Summer Tea 2020
Prospect Park
Bronx Park
If tea is one of the conductors between the nature world and us human being, it is the works from us all that created the sparks.
If tea has taught us to accord to nature, no matter how you define it, we did make the most out of what we had at this time.
Even when masks and distances created informalities and barriers to connect with tea, tremendous efforts everyone made to create a safe and respectful environment at this special time made us appreciate more of the moments we shared.
May the strength we felt together can be something we could hold on for a while. It is as real as the beautiful moments of a nice summer breeze or a wonderful sip of tea.
Summer Tea in Prospect Park 2020 is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).
photo @ Erika Houle