Calligraphy and Tea (Level 2)

The goal of Calligraphy and Tea (level 2) is to go through 楷書 together in various forms and sizes. By the end of the 6 sessions, you will have no fear to go forward to whichever the next step might be.  You also will have personal experiences in each writing style.  Everyone is different and everyone is special.


徐浩 不空和尚



夢英 篆  



歐陽詢  九成宮醴泉銘(唐) 中楷


歐陽詢   心經



宋徽宗 牡丹 濃芳詩帖



柳公權 金剛經   



At one glance, you might think this is difficult to write all these classics. Try to think outside the box, since we have chances to study and practice together, why don’t we extend to the things we normally wouldn’t do. Group practice inspires! 

We will also pair 6 artisanal teas to accompany each of our calligraphy practice. Free shipping included.

Deadline: May 24, 2020

First Class: June 3, 2020, Wednesdays 1:30-3pm every two weeks.

$300 for students signing up for level 2. $250 for returning students, reflected with one class we missed due to the COVID-19. The classes will be resumed to the same space when it is allowed; otherwise, it will be shared on Zoom with multiple cameras.

Reserve your spot and pay here.


Learn about our artist host Ines Sun and the beginner workshops here.